Mr.Machhindra Sadashiv Taras.

President of Angels Public School.

NSPIM education society started in the year 2010 a small sapling planted started with only on institute, has new spread wings with one more institute. The credit goes to all staff and my colleagues in the board of directors. I am proud to say that NSPM has become the brand name in the field of education.

 A school is always a “world miniature” where one receives a “training for life” where effective meaningful and joyful learning takes place. It is here that we begin to learn our lessons of life to accept challenges, face competition, defeat of failure and rejoice at victory and triumph.

 Our endeavor at NSPM education societies. Angel Public School is to provide the platform where our students can take up the opportunity and the challenge to do the things, they are capable of and use to their potential on all frents – curricular and co – curricular. We are committed to traditional Indian values and culture for children to keep a connect with their identity, but we also recognize the need for global perspective in life.

NSPM is known as for the moral values, ethics and contrilouting a lot for the overall upliftment of a the society.

I being the president welcome you to be member of NSPM family.

Best of wishes for all your future endeavors.

With Warm regards.

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